The legend tells of a daring pact between the architect of the Cologne Cathedral and the Devil. Thanks to the cleverness of a woman, the Devil lost the pact...
Tag - Adventure blog
We look for emotion in everything, in life. Adventure tourism is a way to experience all kinds of emotions. From extreme sports to jungle tourism to discovery trips, they will all give you incredible and unique emotions. Read about all of this on my adventure blog.
The gates of the Alba Carolina bastion fortress are ways to access the great fortress but also beautiful monuments and tourist attractions. The eastern gates...
When I decided to go and visit the Alba Carolina Fortress I thought that the gates surround the fortress but it is not so. Read the article and find out the...
In 1793, on the top of Brandenburg Gate Quadriga statue was added. The statue represents the goddess of victory driving a chariot pulled by four horses.
Rakotzbrücke Devil’s Bridge - The architect made a pact with the Devil himself to be able to build this unique bridge. The devil demanded to take the soul of...
Koln Cathedral also known as Koln Dome is an exquisite masterpiece of Gothic and Neo-Gothic architecture, delighting visitors from all over the globe. Just a...